Top 7 IoT Vulnerabilities That You Know About In 2024

Last updated: April 1, 2024 Reading time: 5 minutes
Top 7 IoT Vulnerabilities That You Know About In 2023

The security and safety of IoT devices mainly intended for client use remain at significant risk. It is because the number of users is increasing day by day. Each of them has different IoT devices in their houses. They might connect to various networks to work at their homes. It means that considerable and significant threats emerge to and through the IoT.

Some threats attack the sole unique nature of IoT devices. While other threats are aimed at the application network surrounding them, some might result from configuration errors that arise from user inexperience or system restriction. Regardless of the case, the threat leads to privacy compromise, loss of control, and adding devices into a network regulated by someone else.

IoT affects almost every aspect of our life. The attacker can control our lives if IoT devices become exposed to attacks. It then becomes a complicated situation to manage. But the main question is, what makes the IoT vulnerable?

Seven IoT Vulnerabilities

In this article, we provide your seven IoT vulnerabilities, giving you more precise insight into the topic. The IoT vulnerabilities are as follows: