Top 7 Weakest Points of VPN Security

Last updated: July 13, 2023 Reading time: 6 minutes
Top 7 Weakest Points of VPN

Your VPN is the safety net between you and the rest of the world. That layer of security is only as strong as the services, applications, and operators behind it. There’s a long list of ways VPN security can be compromised, from DNS leaks to malicious software, and every VPN user needs to be aware of how to protect their connection.

Complete internet privacy is something every VPN user should strive for. Everything from location data to specific browsing habits and your identity can be ascertained on an open connection. Maintaining this level of privacy and security takes some due diligence on the user’s part. While it would be nice if simply subscribing to a VPN provider and hooking up to their service gave you total security and anonymity, the reality is less optimistic.

In an ideal world, every VPN user and their provider would be the perfect model of best security practices, able to navigate the complex world of network security without worry. Regarding VPN security, most of the responsibility for a secure connection relies on the user, whether through thorough research before selecting a provider or by maintaining their own strong security practices in their daily internet use.

Most security pitfalls of a VPN connection can be resolved with time and attention to detail. Always remember that security on any network begins and ends with the users themselves. You can do more to protect yourself from VPN snafus than you might think!