what does Google know about me?

Last updated: July 10, 2023 Reading time: 7 minutes
What Does Google Know About Me

We live in a world where we leave a piece of ourselves online whenever we browse or scroll through anything. Whether we like it or not, there is no denying the fact that a shadow version of ourselves gets left in the realm of the internet.

It might comfort the loneliest of people to know that they aren’t as forgotten as they think they are. Google knows them better than most people at the expense of their privacy.

It is no secret that the tech giant stores a massive amount of information on you. Data includes everything, i.e., from everything from the place of your employment to something as bootless as what you had for dinner last night.

Most of the information you collect is used to target ads and create a profile for you according to your likes and dislikes.

Why does Google store information?

Some other reasons Google gives for collecting information include: