What is Port Forwarding and how does it work?

Last updated: July 12, 2023 Reading time: 5 minutes
Port Forwarding

Port Forwarding is a technique used to redirect computer signals between the local network and the internet, also known as Ports.

In simple words, Port Forwarding allows you to connect to an internet-connected device from anywhere in the world. This technique is often used to connect to gaming servers, CCTV cameras, or any other Internet-connected device from anywhere.

Port forwarding is also called Port Mapping, a hidden process of intercepting data traffic heading towards the computer’s IP combination and redirecting it to a different IP address. The help of a VPN service or a proxy program usually causes this redirection. Hardware components such as routers, proxies, and firewalls can redirect traffic.

Port forwarding is also helpful in guaranteeing your online privacy because it allows you to send requests across servers without revealing your IP address.

Types of Port Forwarding